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The lowdown on the changes coming to your online (ATDW) profile

by | May 12, 2023 | News, Blogs

      By now you would’ve seen the statement released by Visit Victoria this week about their decision to update the pricing structure for online business profiles listed on the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW).

      We’re sure you have plenty of questions about the changes, so we wanted to give you all a quick update on what this all means and how it might affect your TGGB membership moving forward.

      What’s changing with ATDW?

      Effective 01 July 2023, Visit Victoria will be reinstating a $295 annual fee to list online business profiles on ATDW, with the price to remain locked in for the next two years.

      This fee remains the same as it was in 2019, before ATDW and RTOs made the decision to temporarily absorb the costs in 2020 to better support industry through the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.

      Why is this happening?

      ATDW will be undergoing a major digital upgrade which will be launched later this year. This will include an improved user experience, intuitive navigation, greater security and improved reporting and analytics.

      When is this happening?

      It depends on when your listing expires, so you’ll need to login and check. Expiry dates have automatically been extended by ATDW to dates in July, August, September or October 2023.

      What does this mean for my TGGB membership?

      In short, it means your ATDW profile will no longer be covered in TGGB’s base level membership ($87.50 per quarter), however online profiles can still be purchased additionally direct through ATDW for the annual fee of $295.

      Our Base level membership will now include a line listing on the website which includes your business’s name, phone number and a clickable website URL.

      For Premium members ($175 per quarter), ATDW profile listings will remain included in the cost of your membership.

      ­­We remain committed to providing our Tourism members with the best possible value for your investment in membership. If you would like to confirm your membership tier or talk about upgrading your membership, contact our friendly team at

      How do I ensure my profile remains live?

      You will receive a reminder email directly from ATDW 30 days from your expiry date, and again at 15 days. If you are a Premium TGGB member, we will supply you with a special code to renew your ATDW profile listing. If you are a Base Member you will need to pay for your listing directly through the platform.

      Fees are due within 30 days of the expiry date—not prior.

      Who can I speak to for help?

      Team Tourism is here to help! Contact us at for more information, and we’ll do our best to answer any concerns or questions you may have.

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