Planning a trip to the region?

Welcome back Melbourne!

by | Jun 17, 2021 | Latest News, Covid-19

      Welcome back Melbourne!

      Image by @david.phillip.desa

      We’ve had more good news today as Acting Premier James Merlino announced further easing to restrictions across the state.

      As of Thursday 17 June at 11:59pm, the 25km travel limit will be removed and travel between metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria will resume.

      Mr Merlino outlined the importance of keeping regional Victoria virus free, so there will be slightly stronger restrictions for Melbourne as an extra protection.

      Read the full Statement From The Acting Premier here.

      This is such welcome news and with larger group sizes, venue capacity increases and being able to welcome back our friends from the big smoke, we are one step closer to being at COVIDnormal.

      We must stress that ensuring every guest is checked in and following the new restrictions is so important in keeping our industry safe and open.

      With people being separated from their loved ones for almost a month, we can’t wait to welcome back visiting friends and relatives to our amazing region ????!

      Also, event organisers, hosts, suppliers, producers and cinema businesses may be able to benefit from new support packages announced by the Victorian Government yesterday. There are four programs available:

      1. The Sustainable Events Business Program.
      2. The Impacted Public Events Support Program.
      3. The Independent Cinemas Support Program.
      4. The Live Performance Support Program – Presenters.

      Read all the details here.

      For Regional Victoria here’s what you need to know: (changes underlined)

      • Open for seated service only with a maximum patron cap of 300 people per venue.
      • Group sizes to a maximum of 50.
      • Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies.
      • Venues less than 600sqm can operate with lesser of density quotient 2sqm or venue cap of 150 patrons provided they have a COVID Marshal at the entrance to confirm ‘green tick’ check in before entry. Venues can have up to 25 patrons before the density quotient applies (read about the ‘green tick’ check here).
      • All venues must be using the Service Victoria tracing app.


      • Open.
      • Bookings permitted for single households plus five adults (plus their dependants).
      • All venues must be using the Service Victoria tracing app.

      Tours and Transport:

      • Tour Transport: Open limit of 50 people per vehicle.
      • Indoor tourism: Open with a maximum of 50 people.
      • Outdoor tourism: No cap on patrons, with group booking limit of 50 patrons.
      • Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies.
      • All venues must be using the Service Victoria tracing app.

      Entertainment and Leisure:

      Indoor fixed seated entertainment:

      • Open up to 50% of seated capacity up to a maximum of 300 people per space.
      • Group limit of 50 people.
      • Density quotient of 1 person per 4 sqm applies.
      • All venues must be using the Service Victoria tracing app.

      Indoor non-seated entertainment venues:

      • Open to a maximum of 300 people per space.
      • Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies.
      • All venues must be using the Service Victoria tracing app.

      Outdoor fixed seated entertainment:

      • Open up to 75% of seated capacity up to a maximum of 1000 people per venue.
      • Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies.
      • All venues must be using the Service Victoria tracing app.

      Non-seated outdoor venues:

      • Group sizes to a maximum of 50 people.
      • No more than 1000 per space (e.g. amphitheatre).
      • Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies.
      • All venues must be using the Service Victoria tracing app.


      • Open for seated service, to a maximum of 300 people indoors, subject to density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm.
      • Dancefloors not permitted.


      • Permitted with a maximum of 50 people.

      Amusement parks:

      • Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies.
      • Group sizes to a maximum of 50 people.
      • All venues must be using the Service Victoria tracing app.

      Office Work:

      • If you can work from home, you should continue to work from home.
      • Capacity limits in workplaces such as offices capped at 75% or 30 people, whichever is greater.
      • All workplaces must be using the Service Victoria tracing app.

      You can download a full Table of Restrictions here.

      For the wider community, there are basic restrictions we must all adhere to:

      Face coverings:

      • Must be carried at all times.
      • Must be worn indoors except if at home, or if an exception applies.
      • Recommended to be worn outdoors where 1.5 metres physical distancing cannot be maintained.

      Private gatherings:

      • Limited to five adults per day together or separately.

      Public gatherings:

      • Permitted for up to 50 people.

      You can download a full table of restrictions here.

      What this means for Metropolitan Melbourne:
      Metropolitan Melbourne will have the 25km travel limit removed and movement between metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria is unrestricted.

      Their restrictions will be a little slower with most of the changes reflecting what regional Victoria is currently following.

      You can download a full table of restrictions here.

      Remember, if you’re unwell get tested.

      If you’d like to chat to our team about these changes, just shoot us an email or call on 03 5223 2588.

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