Planning a trip to the region?

Snap Lockdown Starts Tonight

by | Jul 15, 2021 | Latest News, Covid-19

As of 11:59pm tonight, Thursday 15 July, a five day state-widestage 4 level of restrictions, will come into effect.

Unfortunately, again, plans need to be made to contact people with bookings, reservations and events (including weddings) over the next 5 days, to re-schedule.

With cases confirmed in our region (see exposure sites here), this snap lockdown is designed to give officials the chance to catch this dangerous variant of the virus in it’s early stages.

As this is the first time our region has been exposed, please ensure you and your team keep up-to-date and follow the specific advice listed exposure sites and, if you have symptoms, no matter how minor, please get tested.

You can find a list of testing sites in our region and information here.

These changes are the same as we experienced in May. See an outline below.

For business, the new restrictions mean:

  • Work: If you can work from home, you must work from home. Essential workers and workplaces may stay open.
  • Hospitality: Closed. Open for takeaway only.
  • Accommodation: Closed unless for permitted reasons. No new bookings.
    *Hotel and accommodation providers will be able to stay open to support guests already staying onsite. No new bookings can be made.
  • Tours and transport: Closed.
  • Retail: Essential retail open, other/general retail closed.

For the community, these rules apply:

  • Face coverings: Face masks must be worn indoors and outdoors whenever you leave your home. Face masks do not need to be worn indoors or outdoors if you are working alone unless another person enters that indoor or outdoor space.
  • Private gatherings: Not permitted. Intimate partner visits are allowed.
  • Public gatherings: Not permitted (two people for exercise, or members of your household).

There are only five reasons to leave home:

  1. Shopping for necessary goods and services (one person per household, once per day, a support person can accompany if required).
  2. Caregiving or compassionate reasons.
  3. Essential work or permitted education.
  4. Exercise (can leave for two hours of exercise).
  5. If you’re eligible, to get vaccinated.

A travel limit of 5km from your place of primary residence is in place.

Business support:

The Premier will be providing an update tomorrow and we’ll keep you updated.

Click here to read the full details, including definitions on essential providers and workers.

Read the Statement from the Premier here.

Today’s announcement is a devastating but necessary action to help contain the spread of the latest outbreak.

We understand the damaging knock-on affects lockdowns have on businesses and we will continue to advocate for a quicker rollout of the vaccine program. We can only hope that a snap lockdown of this nature will mean a quicker return on our path to COVID normal.

For specific clarification on any of the requirements, the Business Victoria hotline is available on

13 22 15.

Or if you’d like to chat to our team about these changes, just shoot us an email or call on 03 5223 2588.

We also understand this can be difficult news to hear again, please take care of yourself and others and if you need someone to talk to, call:

  • Lifeline on 13 11 14
  • Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800
  • MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978
  • Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36
  • Headspace on 1800 650 8

Take care,

Brett Ince
Executive Director
Tourism Greater Geelong and The Bellarine

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