A new set of posters and other assets are now available to support your COVIDSafe reopening including posters and guides on proof of vaccination status.
Head to coronavirus.vic.gov.au/signs-posters-and-templates to access the business support toolkit and download the assets directly.
Preparing for reopening
All businesses are urged to review their employee vaccination requirements against Victoria’s Roadmap: Delivering the National Plan. The Roadmap provides for a progressive reopening with eased capacity limits across various settings when all attendees are fully vaccinated. This includes workers.
The option of eased capacity limits will only apply if everyone present is fully vaccinated (or has a valid medical exemption). This means if your staff are not fully vaccinated, you may not be able to open or to apply the eased capacity limits offered in the Roadmap. Encourage your workers to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
For more information on the Roadmap, industry restrictions or to book a vaccination, visit coronavirus.vic.gov.au or call the Business Victoria hotline on 13 22 15.