Planning a trip to the region?

Request for Proposal – Help us develop our 10-year Sustainable Destination Masterplan

by | Jan 17, 2022 | Latest News

We’re currently seeking proposals from appropriately skilled practitioners to develop a comprehensive 10-year Sustainable Destination Masterplan (DMP) for Greater Geelong and The Bellarine.

This will be a critical strategic plan to support a strengthened recovery for the region. It will lay the foundations for sustainable destination growth, prosperity and development that balances economic priorities with the social, environmental, and cultural fabric of the region.

The Sustainable Destination Masterplan will ignite a stronger, more resilient visitor economy for our region as we progress through the recovery phase and embrace the ‘new normal’ over the next 10 years.

The scope of works include:

  • Strategic Outlook
  • Priority Visitor Markets Guide
  • Workforce Development Plan
  • Destination Development Plan
  • Advocacy Plan

View and download the formal request for proposal, which includes project scope, expectations and useful background information. 

Due by:

Proposals (along with any supporting documentation) are to be received by no later than 5:00pm on Thursday 10 February 2022.

All proposals are to be addressed to:

Brendan Sanders
Business Manager
Tourism Greater Geelong and The Bellarine
Level 1, 48 Brougham street, Geelong 3220

Or emailed to:

Brendan Sanders –

We will evaluate all proposals based on merit, synergy and experience. Tourism Greater Geelong and The Bellarine reserves the right to obtain additional information.

An opportunity to present your brief will be provided to short-listed candidates in the week commencing Monday 21 February 2022.

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