Update 9 June 2021
Photo credit – @leezajphotography
Restrictions ease for Regional but still no Metro Melbourne visitors
As of 11:59pm this Thursday night, lockdown restrictions will ease for metropolitan Melbourne and Regional Victoria. As expected, we will not be welcoming Melburnians into regional Victoria for the long weekend, as a 25km travel limit (outside of the 5 key reasons) is in effect.
Pending the next 7 days’ results, Acting Premier James Merlino has announced that we can expect to see regional Victoria and Metro Melbourne move to the same restrictions.
While this is good news for the state, we understand that the impact on this long weekend will be significant for our regional tourism industry.
We will continue to advocate for a targeted roadmap to return to COVID normal, so that we can all plan more effectively. Yesterday, we provided an update on additional grants, have a read here.
Read the full statement from Mr Merlino, here.
For Regional Victoria here’s what you need to know: (changes underlined)
- Open for seated service only with a maximum indoor cap of 75 people.
- Including outdoors a total patron cap of 150 people.
- Group sizes limits of 10.
- Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies.
- ID checks and check ins are compulsory, all venues must be using the Service Victoria tracing app.
- Open.
- Bookings permitted for single households plus two adults (plus their dependants).
- ID checks and check ins are compulsory, all venues must be using the Service Victoria tracing app.
Tours and Transport:
- Tour Transport: Open limit of 10 people per vehicle.
- Indoor tourism: Open with a maximum of 10 people.
- Outdoor tourism: Open with a maximum of 50 people, with limit of 20 people per group.
- Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies.
- ID checks and check ins are compulsory, all venues must be using the Service Victoria tracing app.
Entertainment and Leisure:
Indoor fixed seated entertainment:
- Open up to 50% of seated capacity up to a maximum of 75 people per venue.
- Group limit of 10 people.
- Density quotient of 1 person per 4 sqm applies in non-seated areas.
- ID checks and check ins are compulsory, all venues must be using the Service Victoria tracing app.
Indoor non-seated entertainment venues:
- Open to a maximum of 75 people per venue.
- Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies.
- ID checks and check ins are compulsory, all venues must be using the Service Victoria tracing app.
Outdoor fixed seated entertainment:
- Open up to 50% of seated capacity a maximum of 150 people per venue.
- Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies.
- ID checks and check ins are compulsory, all venues must be using the Service Victoria tracing app.
Non-seated outdoor venues:
- Group sizes to a maximum of 20 people.
- Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies.
- ID checks and check ins are compulsory, all venues must be using the Service Victoria tracing app.
- Permitted with a maximum of 20 people.
Amusement parks:
- Open up to a maximum of50 people indoor.
- Including outdoors a total patron cap of 100 people.
- Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies.
- ID checks and check ins are compulsory, all venues must be using the Service Victoria tracing app.
Office Work:
- If you can work from home, you should continue to work from home.
- Capacity limits in workplaces such as offices capped at 50% or 20 people, whichever is greater.
- ID checks and check ins are compulsory, all venues must be using the Service Victoria tracing app.
You can download a full Table of Restrictions here.
For the wider community, there are basic restrictions we must all adhere to:
Face coverings:
- Must be carried at all times.
- Must be worn indoors except if at home, or if an exception applies.
- Must be worn outdoors where 1.5 metres physical distancing cannot be maintained.
Private gatherings:
- Limited to two adults per day together or separately.
Public gatherings:
- Permitted for up to 20 people.
You can download a full table of restrictions here
What this means for Metropolitan Melbourne:
Metropolitan Melbourne moves to similar settings to those currently in place across regional Victoria, with no travel outside a 25km radius except for the 5 permitted reasons.
If a regional Victorian needs to travel to Metro Melbourne they can only do so for the same 5 permitted reasons: Work or education; necessary goods and services; care and compassionate reasons; or to receive COVID-19 vaccination at the nearest vaccination centre to home.
If you’d like to chat to our team about these changes, just shoot us an email or call on 03 5223 2588.