Regional Victoria and Melbourne likely to be divided again
With case numbers still rising, the Premier today announced that Melbourne would continue the current restrictions until September 23, when it is anticipated that 70% of Victorians will have had their first vaccine. Read the media release here.
The only change to the current restrictions is that outdoor playgrounds will open for children under 12 years with one parent/carer. See updated restrictions here.
The Premier indicated that regional Victoria may be able to see some small changes to the current lockdown next week, with details on what this might look like still to come. We understand the uncertainty is extremely challenging for our region and our state.
The focus is very much around the vaccine percentages, as per the National Plan to transition.
We find this blog useful to help understand the status of vaccinations across Victoria and Australia, it is updated regularly.
We have been working closely with Victoria Tourism Industry Council and all regional tourism boards to advocate for greater business support from the Victorian Government to:
- Deliver a wage subsidy scheme that supports businesses in navigating the next several months until vaccination thresholds are achieved in mid-NOV 2021.
- Beyond the 10-week period to mid-NOV 2021, once we reach 70-80% vaccination targets, the above subsidy scheme needs to remain in place to support visitor economy businesses that continue to record at least a 50% reduction in turnover.
- Waive Government taxes and fees for eligible businesses.
- Build confidence and re-establish the reputation of Melbourne and Victoria – this includes delivering a clear roadmap for how we will reactivate as staged thresholds are met in the coming months and what privileges might be open to fully vaccinated residents.
Read the full media release here.
Click here for information on the current business support available.