Planning a trip to the region?

Latest Update from TGGB – TWIT

by | Jun 20, 2020 | Latest News

      Friday, 17 July 2020

      Firstly, we wanted to send our thoughts to our Melbourne neighbours, who are still in isolation and experiencing a growing number of cases day-by-day. We’re extremely lucky that the Regional Victorian cases remain relatively low and can thank our community for being vigilant in maintaining the restriction rules.

      We’re aware that some businesses are understandably finding the refusal of service requirement extremely challenging. To assist with this the Victorian Government and DHHS have prepared posters to display at the venue entrance and will, hopefully, reduce the confronting face-to-face service refusals.

      Download the posters for printing here.

      We also have further information on the Business Support Package we shared last Friday.
      In a snapshot:

      Keep hanging in there, we’re always here for you if you need any more information or guidance, so remember to keep in touch | 5223 2588

      Take care,

      Team Tourism

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