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Gradual Easing of Restrictions – The Latest from the State Government

by | May 11, 2020 | Latest News, Covid-19

      This morning the State Government announced the first steps to gradual easing of restrictions for Victoria. With the main changes to the current situation allowing us to visit people in their homes (up to 5 people) & some sports/ recreational activity back on the cards. The slight ease of restrictions is to ensure we can slowly introduce activities without risking a breakout of COVID-19.

      Key Changes:

      • From 11:59pm tomorrow night (Tuesday, 12 May 2020), Victorians will be able to have five guests to their home.
      • Sports activities, recreational activities are permitted. Whether it be hiking, fishing, playing golf, going for a walk, kicking a footy – there is to be no more than ten and physical distancing and hygiene arrangements of 1.5m apart still applies.
      • The rules that have been in place to this point remain in place. There are some further changes to funerals & to weddings, see below for more details
      • If you can work from home, you must work from home, for the rest of May. Some people have not been able to do that, but the very large number of Victorians have been able to do that.

      11am, 11 May 2020

      Following the biggest coronavirus testing blitz in the nation, the Victorian Government has announced it will gradually ease restrictions – while we continue to ensure the safety of our state.

      This announcement builds on new investments to further boost our ability to test, trace and monitor the virus in our community, with rapid response outbreak squads, expanded testing and support for additional research.

      These measures – combined with the commitment shown by Victorians – has given health authorities vital insight and information, allowing some restrictions to be safely and cautiously lifted.

      Under the changes, it means that there will be five reasons to leave your home:

      • shopping for food and supplies that you need
      • care and caregiving
      • exercise and outdoor recreation
      • work and education – if you can’t do it from home
      • visiting friends and family – if you really need to

      These new arrangements will come into effect at 11.59pm on Tuesday 12 May. Until then, we’re asking Victorians to continue to comply with the existing restrictions.

      As we introduce these changes, we’re also asking Victorians to use their judgement and common sense. Lives are counting on it.

      Our message remains the same: if you can stay at home, you must stay at home.

      Aligning with the outcomes of National Cabinet, that means:

      • outdoor gatherings being permitted with up to 10 people
      • indoor gatherings at home are permitted, with 5 visitors able to visit the normal residents of a household
      • the ability to leave the house for exercise will be expanded to include outdoor recreational activities. These activities can occur in groups of up to 10 people outside, but the requirements on physical distancing remain
      • for weddings 10 guests are allowed, plus the couple and the celebrant
      • for funerals, 20 people will be allowed at an indoor ceremony and 30 people at an outside ceremony. This is in addition to the minimum people required to conduct the funeral
      • religious gatherings and ceremonies will be permitted with up to 10 people, plus those required to perform the ceremony

      A comprehensive set of question and answer responses is being developed. This will be made available on the DHHS website.

      Statement From The Premier can be found here.

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