A week of ???? for Victoria, here’s what the next 14 days will look like…
We’ve been waiting patiently to see what will change as of 11:59pm tomorrow evening, with another day of zero locally acquired cases for our state.
This morning the Victorian Government announced there would be slight changes to the current restrictions, providing us with a cautious approach to returning to COVID normal.
Today’s announcement means that Metro Melbourne will now align with Regional Victoria’s restrictions, we have highlighted the main changes for the Tourism Industry below and we’re happy to say, dancing is back ????!
As Victorians we know what our friends in other states are going through and we also know how quickly the situation can change, so it’s important we continue to stay vigilant.
Here’s a breakdown on the changes that will come into affect from 11:59pm on Thursday, July 8: (changes in blue)
Face coverings:
- Must be worn in public indoor spaces.
- Masks are not required in schools or in workplaces that are not public facing (e.g. office work), or if an exception applies.
- Masks will still be required if your role sees you interacting with the general public.
- You must carry a face mask at all times.
- Permitted with 300 people subject to venue density limits.
- Dancefloors permitted with a limit of 50 people, with a COVID Check-in Marshal.
- Density quotient of 1 person per 2 sqm applies when using a COVID Check-in Marshal, otherwise density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies.
- All venues must be using the Service Victoria tracing app.
- Open.
- Dancefloors permitted with a limit of 50 people, with a COVID Check-in Marshal.
- No overarching venue limit. Density quotient of 1 person per 2 sqm applies when using a COVID Check-in Marshal, otherwise density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies.
- All venues must be using the Service Victoria tracing app.
Entertainment and Leisure:
Indoor non-seated entertainment venues:
- Open to a maximum of 300 people per space.
- Dancefloors permitted with a limit of 50 people, with a COVID Check-in Marshal.
- No group limits.
- All venues must be using the Service Victoria tracing app.
Outdoor fixed seated entertainment:
- Open up to 75% of seated capacity up to a maximum of 1000 people per venue.
- Dancefloors permitted with a limit of 50 people, with a COVID Check-in Marshal.
- No group limits.
- All venues must be using the Service Victoria tracing app.
Public events and business events:
- Events can proceed in line with the settings that relate to the event venue (e.g. Entertainment and Leisure).
- Events wishing to go above these limits will need to be considered under the Public Events Framework (PEF) settings and process.
- Further information is available here.
Read the full table of restrictions here.
For the wider community, there are no changes to private or public gatherings:
Private gatherings:
- Limited to 15 adults per day together or separately, including dependants (infants under 12 months not included in the cap)
Public gatherings:
- Permitted for up to 50 people.
Read the full table of restrictions here.
We’re pleased to take another step in the right direction towards operating at full capacity and delivering the best possible experiences to our visitors.
For specific clarification on any of the requirements, the Business Victoria hotline is available on 13 22 15. Or if you’d like to chat to our team about these changes, just shoot us an email or call on 03 5223 2588.