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Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) New User Guides

by | Jul 31, 2020 | Latest News

      Visit Victoria’s ATDW team is excited to share their brand new ATDW User Guides.

      Prepared by Visit Victoria, the ATDW User Guides are designed to step you through the entire process of creating an ATDW listing, from account registration through to listing submission. They contain advice on completing each section (including writing a quality description and uploading images) and tips for navigating ATDW-Online.

      A dedicated guide has been created for each operator listing category – Accommodation; Attraction; Event; Food & Drink; Hire; Tour and Transport.

      View or download a PDF guide with step-by-step advice for registering and creating an ATDW listing.

      For more information about ATDW head to Visit Victoria’s dedicated ATDW page here.

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