Planning a trip to the region?

7 Day Lockdown Extension

by | Jul 20, 2021 | Latest News

We knew this was coming and we know it’s not easy.

The Premier today announced a 7 Day extension of the current stage 4 level of restrictions.

Victorian case numbers are still tracking pretty low and by holding back on re-opening, they hope to be able to get in front of this vastly spreading virus.

Another weekend without visitors is hard to to take, we know. This is about more than us, it’s about protecting our community and the ones we love. So keep on keeping on Team Tourism.

Remember to reach out to each other, we can get through through this next hurdle.

As this lockdown continues people will again be looking at ways to support locals, (that’s you), to keep themselves busy and maybe even have a little fun.

So, if you’re offering lockdown packs, delivery services, entertainment or something completely different, we want to hear about it!

Here’s how…

Tag us in your posts on…



Email us: 

We’ll do our best to share your message far and wide!

For specific clarification on any of the requirements, the Business Victoria hotline is available on

13 22 15.

Or if you’d like to chat to our team about these changes, just shoot us an email or call on 03 5223 2588.

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