Us again! Following our recent post on Thursday 6 January, we wanted to quickly update you all on further changes announced to indoor dancefloors.
Victoria’s Minister for Health, Martin Foley, has today announced indoor dancefloors in hospitality and entertainment venues must close from 11:59pm Wednesday 12 January as a means to help slow the spread of the Omicron variant. These venues can still continue to operate under the 1 person per 2 square metres density requirement that was announced last week – seated service is strongly encouraged.
As some relief for wedding venues, indoor dancefloors at weddings will be permitted. However, it is strongly recommended wedding hosts and guests should weigh up the risk and consider relocating dancefloors outdoors.
Mask wearing in all indoor settings remains in place and working from home is also strongly encouraged for those that can.
Once again, people are encouraged to get their third shot, also know as a ‘booster’ dose, against COVID-19 as soon as they are eligible. Please continue to monitor for symptoms and get tested via a PCR or rapid antigen test (RAT) if needed. You can report a positive RAT result here.
You can read the Victorian Government’s full statement here.
For specific clarification on any of these requirements, the Business Victoria hotline is available on 13 22 15.
We know it’s been a long, hard road for the industry. Team Tourism is here to support you however we can.
Please stay safe and look out for one another.
COVID-19 Useful Links
- Information for industry and workers required to be vaccinated – Scroll to ‘What information should be recorded by employers?” there’s a useful template.
- COVID information for visitors – Barwon Health has made a poster with local information on testing and vaccination bookings for visitors over the holiday season.
- Current CovidSafe settings – Find information on our current settings.
- Current business support – Tip: The FAQ section for each grant is really helpful.
- Victorian COVID-19 Data – Daily data updates on COVID-19.
- Booking a vaccination.
- COVID-19 signs posters and templates for your workplace
- Mental health resources – Specific for: Small business owners, families, media and carers to help maintain wellbeing.